On December 11th, the European Commission launched its Horizon2020 Work Programme for 2014-2015. A specific topic entitled "Communication technologies and interoperability: Next Generation emergency services" (Reference DRS -19-2014) has been included to develop a testing regime for Next Generation 112 products, using existing standards and protocols.
EENA welcomes this initiative and complements the European Commission for its foresight in recognising this area as a key benefit for society. For many years, EENA has been leading the discussions regarding NG112 services and launched its own Long Term Definition document , accompanied by many similar initiatives on the topic of NG112.
EENA intends to create a consortium responding to this Call in the coming months and to that end, will build on its vast experience, its members and significant networks to propose an innovative solution for the European Commission.
"I believe that this topic will be the catalyst for change in the way Next Generation 112 communications will develop in Europe in the coming years and EENA intends to be at the forefront with its members in shaping its future" says Gary Machado, EENA's Executive Director.