AWARE. Prepared. Alerted.

The AWARE project is a visionary initiative which will enable alert messages sent using Galileo Emergency Warning Satellite Service (Galileo EWSS) to be seamlessly integrated into a wide array of fixed devices: digital display panels, long-range acoustic devices (LRADs), and indoor warning systems. These technologies will ensure that vital information regarding a looming disaster or hazard reaches the relevant population in a timely manner, even when traditional telecommunications networks are disrupted or down.

By embedding our solution within the structural architecture of buildings and other connected devices, AWARE aims to create a robust infrastructure for audio, video, and text alerts that enhance public safety and preparednes

The project began in November of 2023 and will end in 2025.

The EU-funded project brings together eight partners from four countries with the necessary knowledge, expertise, and technical capacity to extend the capabilities of Galileo EWSS. Telespazio and EENA have experience on the design and deployment of public safety services, FDC is a secure GNSS solutions provider, and CNES (the French space agency) is the future operator of the Galileo EWSS service centre in Toulouse. JCDecaux and Genasys- Public Warning Systems (PWS) equipment providers and solution integrators- will perform end-to-end demonstrations which will involve customers such as Slovenian Civil Protection. Finally, the bridge between Galileo EWSS and Copernicus EMS will be showcased by the University of Strasbourg.