Where Are We… With Next Generation 112
These blogs will be a one-stop guide for everything you need to know on the current state of the most important topics in public safety. Today, we cover Next Generation 112.

Cybersecurity in PSAPs – the Danger of Malicious E-mails
A large proportion of the security incidents that paralyse entire companies and organizations today originate in a malicious e-mail. As attackers become more sophisticated, the risk of becoming a victim of an e-mail cyberattack increases.

FR-Alert, a European reference combining Cell Broadcast and Location-Based SMS
In the event of an ongoing or imminent danger, FR-Alert enables the Ministry of Interior and the prefectures to broadcast targeted and contextualised warning messages very quickly to the population’s mobile phones.

The Work of 112 Georgia and Implemented Activities During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The Public Safety Command Centre “112” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia was actively involved in the process of managing the COVID-19 pandemic from the very beginning; and has been working continuously in emergency mode to provide timely and highly qualified services to every citizen.

Promotional material
Would you like to help spread the message of 112? Find below some material that can help you do that. Please note that not all

Awareness campaigns
Join us in raising awareness of the European emergency number 112! Find below some campaigns EENA is involved to raise awareness of the common European

Awareness partners
EENA is grateful to all of our partners who are spreading the life-saving message of 112! Together, we can make a difference… All Airlines AIrports

Humans of 112
#HUMANSOF112 11th February, we celebrate 112 Day. Each year, we use this opportunity to honour all the people working in the emergency services chain, by publishing

What’s 112 all about?
112 is the European emergency number, available free of charge, 24/7, anywhere in the European Union. Citizens can dial 112 to reach the emergency services,