The European Emergency Number Association (EENA) will organise the third edition of a networking event especially dedicated to private companies looking for business partners in the sector of the emergency services, on 9-10 November 2023 at the AWS headquarters in London, UK. The event will take place on the afternoon of 9 November and the morning of 10 November, allowing for travel on both days.
Company Directors, Senior Managers and other professionals are invited to attend to find partners and meet and network with their peers.
Each company has the opportunity to present their work to the other attendees and hear about the work of others; and most importantly, what others are looking for from potential partners.
We will be allocating speaking slots based on the order of registration. The first company to register will be given the first speaking slot, the second company to register will be given the second slot, and so on.
Important notes
- This event is dedicated to private companies (solution and/or services providers) looking for partners.
- No other kind of profile (emergency services, academics, associations, etc.,) will be accepted.
- There is no participation fee.
- Limit of 2 delegates per company for EENA members and 1 delegate for non-members.
- Limit of 35 companies.
- Each company attending the event will benefit from an 8 minute pitch to introduce themselves, their products/services, and which kind of partners they are looking for.
- The programme will be regularly updated.
- We will be allocating speaking slots based on the order of registration. The first company to register will be given the first speaking slot, the second company to register will be given the second slot, and so on.
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