Updated case study document available now!

Italy is undergoing a transformation, and Lombardy has been leading this change.

This document aims to explore in detail the actions taken by the Lombardy Region, in Italy, through its regional public agency, the Agenzia Regionale Emergenza Urgenza (AREU), to implement the transformation from the traditional multinumber emergency services to the European Emergency number 112, following the European Council Decision 91/396/EEC.

The Document “Migration to 112 in the Lombardy Region, Italy” explains:

  • who AREU is, their duties and how they organised the process for the setup of 112
  • status of AREU’s operations and why the existing model is the most effective one
  • overview of how the system reacted to the COVID outbreak – data and statistics available

**This document is a continuation of an EENA case study document, “Managing change: the example of regione Lombardia, Italy”, published in 2014.