The latest publication of EENA's emergency apps series is here!


We are happy to share with you the 'Pan-European Mobile Emergency App (PEMEA) Approval Procedure' document, EENA's latest publication on emergency apps.

The purpose of this document is to provide all stakeholders (application providers, PSAPs service providers, PSAPs and aggregating service providers) with the necessary operational procedures and guidelines for using the Pan-European Mobile Emergency Application (PEMEA) framework.

The PEMEA architecture enables the delivery of emergency calls with highly-accurate location and caller information to PSAPs during an emergency anywhere in Europe. However, the use of the PEMEA requires each entity to follow an application approval procedure which leads to the delivery of a certificate domain name and a label identifier allowed to indicate that it is PEMEA compliant.

The setup of such a procedure with new entities in a new frame work as proposed in PEMEA is a complex task. For this reason, it is planned in two phases:

  • Phase I: bilateral agreements between PSAP Service Providers (or PSPs). Here the approval process focuses on PSPs following the protocols and procedures to exchange information.
  • Phase II: registration organisation is awarded, the Aggregating Service Provider (or ASP) enabling the automatic routing is in place. Full registration process can occur.

NB: The current revision of the document focuses on Phase I only.

We would like to thank Mr. Bertrand Casse (Deveryware/Vice-Chair of EENA Operations Committee) and Mr. James Winterbottom (EENA/Vice-Chaire of EENA Technical Committee) for their valuable contributions.




Interested in emergency apps? Take a look at EENA's work on the topic here.