
2024 September 24, 2024 Tech Transitions: Implementing Change Effectively in the Emergency Field September 10, 2024 Enhancing Emergency Communications Routing and Location Transmission Reliability with SIP PIDF-LO June 26, 2024

Mission and Vision

…a platform for everyone involved in the public safety community and to provide a space for collaboration and learning. Would you like to be a part of the EENA community?…

Emergency communications reforms in Romania

…the evolution of the emergency system in Romania Ongoing and future projects, reforms leading to a next generation emergency communication system (NG112) in order to be compliant with the new

New regulation for a safer Europe

…Hence, the new delegated regulation complements what was mandated in the EECC by adding a mandate on the handsets-side. Benoit Vivier, EENA Public Affairs Manager, comments: “EENA welcomes this great…

Emergency communications reforms in Sweden

…focus on emergency communications reforms in European countries. In June, officials from SOS Alarm and Swedish Civil Contingency Agency (MSB) shared their experience and plans with the EENA community. What…

Understanding the Latest eCall Delegated Regulations

…modernising the eCall infrastructure, ensuring compatibility with advanced packet-switched communication networks. In this webinar, we will hear from two European Commission representatives that will break down the delegated regulations and