Results from the NG112 Plugtests 2021
From 22 February to 5 March, we held the NG112 Emergency Communications Plugtests 2021, in partnership with the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI).
The event brought together diverse stakeholdersto trial the components along the chain of Next Generation emergency response. Over two weeks, 285 test pairings were carried outcovering location and policy-based call routing and Next Generation media types. These tests are key to ensure that products and solutions are compatible with each other. Representatives from public authorities and emergency services also joined to discuss the implementation of NG technology in their countries.

“The NG112 architecture brings countless benefits for citizens and emergency services,” highlights Cristina Lumbreras, EENA’s Technical Director. “NG112 is already transforming emergency response, improving accessibility to emergency services and allowing interconnections between Public Safety Answering Points. However, for Next Generation communications to function effectively, standardisation and interoperability are crucial.”
The results show that the NG112 architecture is mature and there are an increasing number of interoperable solutions available. “The Plugtests demonstrate that the technology is ready to be implemented. Emergency services should be rapidly making the move towards Next Generation communications,” stated Cristina Lumbreras. “We need to act now, not in the future.“

For the first time, we ran an additional parallel event on intercontinental interoperability testing, in collaboration with NENA’s ICE 9 event. Participants tested end-to-end call flows spanning international boundaries to ensure compatibility between Europe and the USA.
“These first-ever international NG9-1-1 and NG112 tests allow us to evaluate our consensus-based standards internationally,” said NENA President Gary Bell, ENP. “This enables public safety to not only interoperate internationally, but also to expand the field of technical solutions available to organisations in the United States and Europe.
NG112 Plugtests: key results & findings
- 285 test pairings, with 87% demonstrating interoperability.
- Standards authorities such as ETSI are crucial in building a chain of trust.
- Multiple tests were carried out with mobile network operators, including the use of civic/geodetic data for emergency routing and dispatch, the use of audio, video, and real-time text.
- Testing completed on ESInet peering through Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) and Public Internet.
- Future testing should be based on locations, identities, tools, and VPN configuration.
Don’t forget our upcoming virtual event, NG112: From theory to reality on 27-29 April!