Presented on: 01 December, 15:00 CET
Many of us have worked for or visited control rooms where each call-taker uses three, four or five computer screens. With Next-Generation 112, more and more data will be coming to the PSAP and posing new challenges for emergency call-takers.
How can a human being manage a large amount of simultaneous information in a short time frame? This is where modern user experience and user interface (UX/UI) design techniques and automatic recommendations for call-taking and dispatch come into play.
In this webinar, we heard the experiences of emergency services representatives in Finland and Sweden who are trying to make managing calls and dispatch easier and smoother.
presented by
Andreas Leviné (SOS Alarm) & Leo Lambert (Corti)
Product owner, SOS Alarm Sweden AB / Product Manager, Corti
SOS Alarm and Cort explained the reasons that led SOS Alarm to seek out a new approach to medical decision support in Sweden. The presenters explored how needs have been met through incorporating AI into each and every medical interview. They described the process behind developing a solution like this, the importance of UX/UI considerations and the future of AI to guide call takers in medical interviews.
Mika Taavitsainen (ERC Administration, Finland)
ICT system administrator, Emergency Response Centre Administration, Finland
Mika explained how Finland has solved and integrated different kind of call-taking and dispatching design and features in their ICT system called ERICA. This system has been specially built for call-takers to help in call-handling and in dispatching tasks to the most appropriate field units.