You can find here all the different associations that are part of the EENA community. With networks coming from all over the world, we all share a commitment to the improvement of public safety and emergency in Europe and beyond.

EENA is proudly part of the Collaborative Coalition of International Public Safety (CC:IPS). This alliance has been established as a global collective of national membership bodies to share knowledge, good practice and resources across members’ professional communities; and to encourage the pursuance of interoperability cross the global industry.
Comprising APCO Canada, British APCO, EENA, NENA, NECWG–A/NZ, each member association has its own distinct remit, constitution, membership and geographical focus but all face similar issues. Through CC:CIPS, they can adopt and advocate joint policy positions on issues of shared concern and share resources in an environment predicated on trust, honesty and a strong sense of community.