The PSAP Directory is a single source reference for PSAPs in EU countries. This database of long-numbers ensures that emergency services can communicate across borders.

Please note EENA used to refer to the PSAP Directory as the Transnational Database: this page will use the term PSAP Directory.

What is it?

The PSAP Directory ensures that emergency services in one country can contact emergency services in another country, by providing a single contact point per country.

For more detailed information on how it works and how to participate in it, please see our latest document on the subject.

Without this number, it is impossible, or it takes an exceptionally long time to enter into contact with emergency services on the other side of Europe.

At present, 31 PSAPs from 26 European countries are now using the PSAP Directory.

Unfortunately, some countries still do not provide this long-number and this can delay emergency operations. In emergency situations – when every second counts – not being part of this database could be fatal for citizens in distress.

brief history


Since 2009, EENA has been working to make sure that emergency services can communicate between different countries. The proposal arose from representatives of London Ambulance Service (UK) and 112 Canary Islands (Spain).

After that, EENA started to manage a database of long-numbers (E164 numbers), enabling emergency services to contact a single contact point in another country.

However, it became crucial to protect the data and secure this database. To this end, EENA reached out to the Electronic Communications Committee (ECC) of the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications (CEPT).

After some negotiation, it was agreed that the CEPT’s permanent office, the European Communications Office (ECO), would establish and securely manage a new database of long numbers for PSAPs across Europe.



EENA and the Electronic Communications Committee (ECC) of the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications (CEPT) worked to have this PSAP Directory of numbers enshrined in EU Legislation.

Since 2018, The European Electronic Communications Code (Directive 2018/ 1972/EC) Article 109(8) declares that: “A Union-wide, secure database of numbers for a lead emergency service in each country should therefore be introduced. To that end, BEREC should maintain a secure database of E.164 numbers of Member State emergency service numbers, if such a database is not maintained by another organisation…”

success stories


Since the PSAP Directory was set up, emergency services in many countries have been able to help citizens not only nationally but also across Europe.

These successful international stories show the importance of this database in improving and accelerating emergency response between European countries.

How can countries join this PSAP Directory?


The PSAP Directory is managed by the European Communications Office (ECO). For any questions please feel free to contact Mr. Vassil Krastev, Numbering and Networks Expert at ECO.

Email: [email protected]


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