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Can AI & VR solve the challenges of our first responders?

As we accelerate into a digital-first future, there are some jobs that can never be replaced. Emergencies happen all the time and the first responders are crucial players in controlling the damage and saving lives. Ambulance workers, firefighters, police officers; all these workers are needed in extraordinary times. And they are people, the same as the ones they’re saving. So who is helping them?


AI: emergency services’ best sidekick?

Digital transformation has brought important changes to public safety. Emerging technologies like Internet of Things (IoT) or big data proved that the sector can prosper in the age of disruption but what about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)? With more and more sectors leveraging AI on a mass scale, one thing is guaranteed: many of us are pondering the pros and cons of this technology. Can AI help to save more lives? How can it strengthen the emergency response field? Let’s find out.