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The Road to VoLTE Emergency Calling: Addressing the Opportunities and Challenges

The commercial and regulatory drive to roll out 4G/5G networks is generally welcomed by all stakeholders. Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) can increase network capacity by refarming valuable spectrum from “legacy” 2G and 3G network services to facilitate the provision of more enhanced services to their customers while regulators and authorities will be pleased to see faster speeds, better connectivity, and more enhanced and flexible communication services available to the public.


Using live video features for emergency rescue: The eye-on-scene assessment in Italy, the importance of multimedia emergency communications

The modernisation of emergency communications requires a perfect balance of technology and human empathy. As underlined by the Next Generation 112 premises, more and more citizens expect to be supported by the emergency services through easy procedures and familiar tools.
Video calls and eye-on-scene technologies have already begun to build this reality, as evidenced by the stories of Patrick, a 2-year-old boy saved from choking, and of Alex, born thanks to remote support via video call.


Teleworking for emergency call-takers

The demands of the last year saw the rise of telehealth and teleworking. Many people, who had never before considered the possibility, were introduced to the concept of the remote office. The same can be said for emergency call-takers. As the importance of social distancing and quarantine became clear during the COVID-19 pandemic, many emergency call centres were presented with a unique challenge: how to continue to provide continuity of high-level service with the risk that call-takers would be unable to attend work? To address this, we saw the implementation of remote emergency call-taking.


Tomorrow’s ambulance – Technology: ally or enemy?

Technology is changing the world at a breakneck speed. In this ‘global village’, where everything is intertwined and everyone can interact, challenges are increasing in different fields of society. The public safety sector is no exception. What trends and opportunities are beginning to emerge? What are the challenges and threats that arise?


Cybersecurity: preparedness & prevention

We don’t need to tell you that 2020 was a challenging year for emergency services on many fronts. While health professionals worked tirelessly to fight the outbreak of COVID-19, it soon became clear that hackers and other malicious online actors will not rest during this global crisis. The importance of cybersecurity for emergency organisations became clearer than ever before.