17 January, 14:30 CET: Exchange of Data Between PSAPs
When an emergency requires the intervention of more than a single force, all parties need to know what is happening and where and to whom. Standardization is essential when integrating public safety information from diverse sources because senders and receivers need to understand each other. And when dealing with cross-border cooperation in emergency and crisis response activities, a complexity is added with the differences in languages and conventions.
This webinar shared a detailed overview of two European examples: Ireland and Spain. How do they tackle the exchange of data between PSAPs in their country? What recommendations can they give from their experiences? This webinar will give you an enhanced knowledge of data sharing between PSAPs and inspiration for your own services.
EENA Document: Data Sharing Between Emergency Services
Presented by

Iratxe Gomez Susaeta
Vice Chair, EENA Tech & Ops Committee