Presented on: 22 February, 16:00 CET
What's ISCRAM?
The Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM) Association is an international community of researchers who examine the design, use, and evaluation of information and communication technologies in contexts of emergency and disaster preparation, mitigation, response, and recovery.
Within the ISCRAM community, many researchers focus on issues related to public safety communications that are relevant to government and industry practitioners and EENA members. These issues include the design and deployment of early warning systems, the usability of common operational picture tools, and the empirical analysis and modeling of an emergency call, dispatch, and response activities.
What we discussed during this webinar:
This webinar introduced the ISCRAM Association to EENA members, described current research on public safety communications, and explained how to access the many open-source resources made available by the ISCRAM community. The webinar also pointed out opportunities for government and industry practitioners to collaborate with researchers on emerging public safety challenges and opportunities. One of these opportunities is the Research Corner session planned for the upcoming EENA Annual Conference in Marseille. Held for the first time at last year’s annual conference in Riga, Research Corner invites practitioners and researchers to share knowledge about current research projects and operational challenges to facilitate future government-academia-industry collaborations.
presented by

Caroline Rizza, PhD
President of ISCRAM & Associate Professor, Télécom ParisTech

Rob Grace, PhD
Vice President of ISCRAM & Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University