The 112 Awards Ceremony: celebrating modern-day heroes
The 112 Awards Ceremony rewards outstanding individuals and organisations mainly engaged in improving public safety across Europe.
The 112 Awards Ceremony celebrates modern-day heroes. From incredible rescues and inspirational acts by citizens and emergency services, to public safety innovations and the use of technology for good, we reward those going beyond the expected to help people in danger. We would like to congratulate all of this year’s awardees and thank them for inspiring all of us! Below you can read all of their stories…

Remarkable Citizen & Emergency Teamwork Rescue Award
Jairo Guillherme and Fernando Sá e Silva
A father who delivered his own baby through telephone instructions in Portugal
When Filipa went into labour 4 weeks early, father Jairo Guilherme called an ambulance. But noticing baby Diego’s foot was already out, there was no time to wait for assistance. Call taker Fernando Sá e Silva had to give instructions entirely by phone.
Incredibly, Jairo successfully helped Filipa through life-threatening complications for both mother and baby, including the umbilical cord being wrapped around Diego’s neck and a blocked airway.
For their calm and collected bravery, Jairo Guilherme and Fernando Sá e Silva receive the award for Remarkable Citizen & Emergency Teamwork.

PSAP Upgrade Award
A total, and successful, upgrade of the 112 emergency system in Luxembourg
After 30 years of uninterrupted operations, the Emergency Rescue Centre 112 (CSU-112) in Luxembourg was due for an upgrade. It is the only entry point for emergency calls in the country – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
On Tuesday, November 16 2021 the CSU-112 moved into their new facilities in the Centre National d’Incendie et de Secours (CNIS), without risking any interruption in their emergency service. Christopher Schuh receives the PSAP Upgrade Award on behalf of CSU-112.

Next Generation Accessibility Award
DEC112 Association
The life-saving implementation of accessible 112 communications in Austria
‘Deaf Emergency Calling’ 112, or DEC112, is an Austrian project built upon modern standards – designing efficient and barrier free communications in an accessible way. Following DEC112’s implementation, it quickly began saving lives. Last year, when a deaf woman was lost in a forest with her assistance dog, she was able to use the DEC112 application to communicate with a control centre – subsequently, they found her GPS location and rescued both her and her dog without harm.
For this life-saving service the DEC112 Association receives the Next Generation Accessibility Award.

AED & CPR Award
The strong chain of survival that enabled an AED to save a man in cardiac arrest in Denmark
TrygFonden aims to enable everyone in Denmark to be able to step in, help, and trust that others can step in when help is needed. By sponsoring initiatives ranging from CPR training in schools to establishing a national AED register, TrygFonden is a driving force in public safety in Denmark.
When Hans went into cardiac arrest, his wife Lea called 112 for help. Søren, Anne and Monique responded as Heartrunners and Jørgen and Johan fetched an AED, visible on the national AED registers maps. This strong chain of survival was made possible by TrygFonden which financed the national AED registry and the national Heartrunner system.
For this exceptional work, Grethe Thomas, the Chief of Project at TrygFonden, receives the AED & CPR Award.

International Cooperation for Rescue Award
Laura Rodet, 112 Belgium, and 112 Canarias
Rescue of a stranded hiker as a result of international cooperation between Spain and Belgium
When Belgian hiker Aurelie Renier became stranded in the Spanish wilderness, she reached out to a friend back home, as she was too scared to call 112 without knowing how to speak Spanish. Her friend called 112 in Belgium on another phone, reaching call-taker Laura Rodet.
Laura’s ingenious thinking mounted a complex rescue effort. With the help of 2 Spanish-speaking firemen in the Belgian PSAP, Aureline called 112 in Spain to enable her location to be sent – and several hours of intense searching later, she was found safely.
For their ingenuity and call-handling skill, Laura Rodet, call-taker at the Belgian Fire Brigade, and 112 Canarias, receive the International Cooperation for Rescue Award.

Good Samaritan Award
Ann-Cathrin Levine Ericson
A neighbour who saved a young mother's life by performing CPR in Sweden
After putting her one-year-old daughter to sleep for an afternoon nap, Maja Slove’s heart stopped. When she collapsed in her garden chair, her younger sister Anna immediately called 112 and was guided to begin CPR by Sussie, the call-taker at SOS Alarm.
Next-door neighbour Ann-Cathrin rushed in after receiving an alert on her Heartrunner app – taking over CPR duties. It is thanks to the chain of command made possible by Heartrunner that Maja happily survived.
For her brave part in this extraordinary story, Ann-Cathrin Levine Ericson receives the Good Samaritan Award.

Outstanding Rescue Award
Sirpa Moilanen
A call-taker who coordinated the rescue of a skier trapped in freezing water in Finland
When a man fell into freezing water whilst skiing alone in the wilderness, approximately 15km from the nearest populated area. Unable to pull himself out, he called 112 from his water-soaked phone.
Battling outside temperatures of -5° C, call operator Sirpa Moilanen knew it was a battle against time. Unclear location information, likely due to the rural location, made rescue even harder. For 50 minutes, Sirpa maintained contact with the victim and kept his hopes alive, despite the dire situation. It is nothing short of a miracle that he was rescued in time.
For her indispensible role, Sirpa Moilanen, call operator at Emergency Response Centre Finland, receives the Outstanding Rescue Award.

AML & Rescue Award
STS Romania
A Ukrainian man rescued in the forests of Romania using advanced mobile location
On the night of the 3rd of October, a call from a Ukrainian phone number was received at the 112 Call Center in Suceava, Romania. The man had crossed the border illegally to escape the war zone in his country and got lost in the mountains. The interview with the agencies was mediated in Russian by a 112 call-taker from a different county.
With wild animals close by in the forest, the man was in immediate danger. But with the use of Advanced Mobile Location, several DataSMS messages were received for this call, positioning the caller within a 23 metres radius, not far from the border. All emergency agencies were alerted and the man was found safe and sound.
For the life-saving use of AML, STS Romania – the managing institution of 112 in Romania – receives the AML & Rescue Award.

Hero Award
Michalis Protopsaltis
A Greek crane operator who saved the lives of 50 migrants lost at sea in Greece
Michalis Protopsaltis, a crane operator on the Greek island of Kythera, became an unlikely Greek hero when he helped save the lives of eighty migrants whose boat was crushed on the rocks.
Dozens of people were struggling against the waves to climb the rocks and save themselves. Undeterred by the darkness and strong winds, Protopsaltis rushed to the site of the wreck with his crane. He tied a big bag that he he uses for construction materials and lowered it down the rocks, allowing people to get in and be lifted to safety.
For this moment of bravery and genius, Michalis received the Hero Award.

Change Driver Award
Henning Schmidtpott
A lifetime commitment to public safety and technology
Henning has worked in the emergency services field since 2000, and is still working as a 112 dispatcher. He tiredlessly works on improving location information for PSAPs in Germany and for many years, has contributed to the change and innovation in public safety technology and implementation, no doubt saving countless lives in the process.
Read more about our awardees in our press release here.