Check out our 112 Day 2023 press release and download our 112 Day report here!
Find out more about 112 by downloading our infographic here.
Each year on 11 February, Europe is proud to come together to celebrate European 112 Day. Established in 2009, and dedicated to raising awareness of the European emergency number 112, it is a day to recognise the work of all those who contribute to the European emergency services chain.
Member States all over Europe organise communication activities and other events to promote the European Emergency number 112 to their citizens and help spread the message of 112.
On this day, we celebrate together, and EENA is excited to be sharing the various actions taking place in different countries.
Below, you’ll find a series of actions taking place to mark 112 day, including:
– Open doors activities
– Awareness Campaigns
– Announcement of new 112 functionalities
– National 112 Awards Ceremonies
How are countries celebrating 112 day in 2023?

The Fire Department of Andorra

Ministry of the Interior
Ministry of the Interior
The national plan to celebrate the European 112 Day includes a ceremony awarding employees of the National 112 System Bulgaria.
At the same time, there will be coverage in the media, with information about recently implemented functionalities.

Emergency Response Centre Agency
Emergency Response Centre Agency
112 Day is a Finnish nationwide campaign to raise people’s awareness of what everyday safety is and how it can be promoted. 112 Day has traditionally been a joint event for different safety authorities, organisations and volunteers. Every year, local events are organised across the country and people are actively campaigning on social media.
The theme for 2023 will be “Preparedness is about small everyday actions”. During Emergency Number Week, people will be guided preparing themselves for various disruptions and extraordinary situations and preventing different types of hazards. 112 Day also reminds us of the European emergency number 112 and of what to do in an emergency.
How to participate:
- Theme day: Anyone can hold a 112-themed day during the campaign week, whether in the workplace, at school or during hobby activities, for example.
- Public events: Public events may be arranged in cooperation in places such as shopping centres, pedestrian areas or fire stations.
- Social media: Safety knowledge can be shared on social media using the hashtags #112paiva, #112dagen and #112Day2023. Check out their Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter!

112 Georgia
112 Georgia
During the week of February 5-11, 112 Georgia will host students from different schools. Students will get to know the specifics of 112 Georgia’s work on the spot. In particular, they will learn at what time and how to call 112, as well as at what time not to call and what sanctions are considered in case of making a false call. These meetings aim to contribute to increasing awareness of the emergency number 112 among students.

Ministry for Climate Crisis and Civil Protection/General Secretariat for Civil Protection
Ministry for Climate Crisis and Civil Protection/General Secretariat for Civil Protection
The Ministry for Climate Crisis and Civil Protection/General Secretariat for Civil Protection in Greece will run a digital campaign aiming to raise further awareness of the use of 112 and its importance.
The campaign includes the dimension of disability and the provision of accessibility and consists of:
- A series of videos explaining both the inbound and outbound components of 112 in Greece
- A social media campaign
- A Press Release

National Police
National Police
On 10th February 2023, between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., the Szombathely Call Center will open its doors to the public with a demonstration of receiving emergency calls in practice.
On 11th of February, there was an open day at the call centre in Miskolc, with interesting programmes for visitors. A thematic presentation for children was given with the help of local emergency services, paramedics demonstrated CPR, while police and soldiers held a weapon demonstration. Outside, visitors could see emergency service vehicles (police car, armoured car). In the training room, visitors were introduced to the call taker console, and taught how to use the 112 emergency number.

Irish Coastguard

Direction Générale
Direction Générale
On 112 Day, Luxembourg have plans to broadcast and raise awareness of the implementation of Advanced Mobile Location (AML). They will also run a campaign to raise awareness of when and when not to call 112, as 53% of calls in Luxembourg do not relate to an emergency.

The Netherlands
The Landelijke Meldkamer Samenwerking
The Landelijke Meldkamer Samenwerking and Dutch National Police
The Netherlands will give all of their dispatchers and staff a small gift: postcards with a positive ‘Thank You’ message which they can send themselves to someone who might need or deserve it.
The Dutch National Police will launch a quiz on Instagram on when to call 112.

112 Romania
112 Romania
This year, it is the 19th anniversary of 112 being operational in Romania. STS will mark the event with a series of actions intended to improve and strengthen the public and internal image of the 112 emergency service.
- Buildings in Red: The STS communication tower, as well as national and local public authority centres will be lit up in red on 112 day.
- Press release: a press release on 112 day will share the main statistics regarding the number of 112 calls in 2022 as well as feedback from surveys taken by 112 callers. More information will be released on international languages in 112 calls, with a highlight on Ukrainian citizens living in Romania. A video will also be released exemplifying the way calls are taken in languages other than Romanian. You can view the video on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
- Information on false calls: a press release on how to tackle false calls will be sent to local media in the 8 counties where false calls exceed 50% of the total number of calls on 112 day.
- Interviews: the STS spokesperson will deliver a number of interviews on 112 day, to encourage responsible use of 112.
- Social media: for the month of February, the social media pages listed above will be decorated with special 112 graphics. On Facebook and Instagram, two videos will be shared – the first on how 112 works, and the second demonstrating how 112 calls are received. On LinkedIn, two promotional articles will be shared: one on operational and technical training in PSAPs, and the other on processing calls in international languages.
- Education: The educational project ‘112 – I am Responsible’ will be launched at a national level during the week of 112 day. STS will participate in promotional activities among pre-schoolers and elementary, middle and high school students. STS call-takers will present their activity and relevant information to the children about how to call responsibly to 112, and offer presentations for elementary and middle school students at the Municipal Center for Emergency Situations Bucharest-Ilfov Headquarters in February.
- Website activities: On their official website, a series of general tests can assess citizens` knowledge of how the Emergency Service 112 works and when to use properly 112 call system. Using this tool, different cases can be presented helping citizens to understand the difference between emergency and non-emergency situations.

Organisation of American States
Department of Public Security

SOS Alarm
SOS Alarm
This year, SOS Alarm will arrange a targeted 112 Day: FRS, EMS, police but also municipalities, regions, authorities, and other relevant actors. The programme contains – amongst other things – a presentation from the Minister of Civil Defence, as well as involving different experts in the field and executives from different authorities like the National Board of Health and Welfare, and the Civil Contingencies Agency.
The yearly 112 Prize will also be awarded.

The Brussels Fire Brigade and Ministry of Interior
The Brussels Fire Brigade and Ministry of Interior
This year, Belgium has several activities planned throughout the day, including:
- Highlighting the work of their 112 call operators, and showcasing exceptional cases
- Promoting 112 day through the social media accounts of the Belgian emergency services
- Putting the 112 app and 1722 e-tool in the spotlight
You can also find one of Belgium’s most well-known tourists attractions, the Mannekin Pis, dressed up in his 112 day costume.

Ministry of the Interior
Ministry of the Interior
On 112 day, the Ministry of the Interior of Croatia – in collaboration with regional civil protection offices and emergency services – will organise numerous activities to promote and raise awareness of the existence, importance and functionality of 112 in Europe and Croatia.
These planned activities include:
- The 12th annual jogging event of citizens and emergency services members, on a 5km track along the Sava River in Slavonski Brod. It will begin on 11 February at 11:02am, in front of the Vijuš Sports Hall in Slavonski Brod.
- County Centre 112 Split and HNK Hajduk Split football club will collaborate to celebrate the founding of the club on 112 day.
- The organisation of ‘Call 112’ quizzes for primary school children about the operation of the 112 number and other emergency services.
- The organisation of the field exercise ‘search for an injured person’ in cooperation with the County Center 112 Koprivnica and emergency services.
- Visits of young children to 112 PSAPs.
- The promotion of the 112 number through a web brochure on portals and social networks, the distribution of leaflets in kindergartens, schools and other institutions, posters on public bulletin boards and advertising in public spaces.

Czech Republic
Ministry of the Interior
Ministry of the Interior
To celebrate European 112 Day, the Czech Republic has several plans. There will be open doors PSAPs activities in Prague: during these activities there will be a presentation of firefighting techniques when available at the fire stations. The public has shown a lot of interest in these activities.
In some regions there will be public points (coordinated by the Fire and Rescue Service and Police) with interactive entertainments for the public.
The official website of the Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic will publish articles on the activities and statistics on the 112 emergency line in the Czech Republic.

Greater Copenhagen Fire Department
Greater Copenhagen Fire Department
The Greater Copenhagen Fire Department plan on a series of public activities that communicate the following:
- What is 112 day and why?
- When to dial 112 in case of immediate danger or life threatening injuries and when not to call
- What happens when you dial 112
- How your call is being processed in terms of where you are and what kind of help you need
- How operators make sure to transfer your call to the authorities that can help you
- How you as a citizen, when reporting a fire, can help operators send out the specific resources needed, when streaming from your cell phone
The days before and after 112 day will also feature social media activity (Facebook and Twitter). The regional television company of Copenhagen will also do a report and some interviews at a PSAP, broadcasted on 112 day.

112 Iceland
112 Iceland
The main focus of 112 Day in Iceland is to raise people’s awareness when it comes to responding to emergency situations, under the motto “What can I do?”
112 Day will be celebrated in the Conference and Concert Hall, Harpa, in Reykjavik, where the correct response to emergency situations of various kinds will be shown by several emergency responders. The focus of 112 Day will especially be on children who will be invited to play a specially designed computer game that teaches the correct response to various emergency situations.
The program of 112 Day also includes the nomination of the first aider of the year, an award ceremony for children on fire prevention, and an address by the Minister of Justice.

Emergency Response Centre, Fire and Rescue Service
Emergency Response Centre, Fire and Rescue Service
In Latvia there are multiple activities planned in February. The main focus will be on informing society about Latvia’s new web page and phone app –
They will organize lectures in schools, where officials from state fire and rescue service will educate their students about correct actions in emergency cases and calling 112. They will provide pupils with new designed work sheets and show presentations.
From February 9th to 17th, information about the united emergency number 112 will be shared on the Fire and Rescue service Twitter, Instagram and Facebook pages; competitions on social networks will be held as well.

Emergency Response Centre

Ministry for Home Affairs, Security, Reforms and Equality
Ministry for Home Affairs, Security, Reforms and Equality
In Malta, a press release will be issued by the Minister and furthermore promotions will be covered through the following mediums:
- News bulletin spot featuring the 112 control room and statistics being provisioned
- Social Media marketing
- Promotional activities within schools
- Awareness through the Public Service Activity which will be showcasing all Emergency Management Services to an estimated 200,000+ visitors
- Marketing through TV commercials

112 Moldova
112 Moldova
The 112 Service in Moldova have several activities planned to celebrate:
– A diploma-awarding event will be held as a sign of appreciation for heroic activities and outstanding achievements within the 112 Service in Moldova
– In order to promote the emergency number 112 and the people of the Emergency Service 112, several TV, radio and online reports will be made dedicated to the day of the single emergency number 112 during the whole month of February. The 112 Service themselves will publish 15 media materials relating to 112 day.
– A video will be published on 112 day with reference to 112 operators.
– The promotion of stories about 112 operators, especially recently hired operators and operators who have been part of the 112 team since the beginning of the launch of the 112 Service.
Through these activities, the services aim to promote the need and importance of the emergency number 112; the importance of responsible calling of the emergency number 112; the cooperation of the victim in the call with the operator; and the complexity of the tasks performed by the 112 operators/the degree of responsibility, evaluation and responsibility in emergency situations reported to the emergency number 112.
They also aim to answer questions commonly asked by the public, including ‘what can happen if you call 112 for no reason?’ and ‘what does the 112 operator communicate when we are involved in an emergency situation?’
Additionally, there will be several study visits within the 112 Service for up to 400 students. They will be trained with reference to the single emergency number 112 from February 7-20, 2023.

Ministry of Public Affairs

Ministry of the Interior
Ministry of Defense
Poland has 17 PSAPs in total, managed by approximately 1100 qualified call takers. During 112 Day, every PSAP will organise local ceremonies – including thematic competitions for children, educational lectures at schools and meetings with citizen heroes. This year is special, as it is the 10th anniversary of the 112 emergency call system in Poland.
The central ceremony will take place in the Kraków PSAP. The Senior Polish Ministry of the Interior and administrative representatives will be in attendance and meet call takers.
National media will be invited to take part in the celebrations, both central and local.
It will be a great occasion to raise public awareness of 112, as well as a chance to educate people on its appropriate usage. Interviews conducted this day with PSAP call takers will familiarize people with the job characteristics. It is also an annual tradition for the Minister of the Interior and Administration to honour PSAPs’ most committed and devoted employees with awards and engraved plaques.
You can follow all of the celebrations on the governmental website, Twitter, and individual PSAP social media accounts.

Ministry of Defense
Ministry of Defense
This year, Slovenia will carry out an awareness campaign about the 112 number, which will last until the end of February. They will focus on call centre operators and their work. Additionally, they will highlight the information that is crucial when a 112 call happens. They will present this information through a short video content on social media (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) and on their official website.

Ministry of the Interior
Ministry of the Interior
In Slovakia there are 8 PSAPS for 112: one in each region (Bratislava, Trnava, Trenčín, Žilina, Nitra, Banská Bystrica, Prešov and Košice). During European 112 day they will host events at each one of them.
PSAPs will be visited by pupils from elementary schools (between 15 and 200 pupils depending on spatial constraints). The program will include presentations by civil protection, police, FRS and EMS, educating on correct conduct and communication during emergencies followed by a visit of the PSAP and a discussion with PSAP operators.
Where possible (Banská Bystrica, Prešov, Trenčín) the theoretical part of the visit will be followed by practical demonstrations of the activities of the EMS, FRS and police, as well as the Slovak Red Cross. Demonstrations will include the provision of first aid. There will be also a static presentation of equipment (fire trucks and equipment, EMS ambulances, police cars including cynology units and mobile chemical laboratories of civil protection).
The main 112 Day event is planned at the PSAP in Trnava, where 112 Day will be celebrated in presence of the Minister of Interior of the Slovak Republic Mr. Roman Mikulec. On this occasion they will have a press conference in the presence of national media. At the press conference they will educate the public about the importance of the European emergency number 112, the sucesses of the past year (reformation of Integrated Rescue System, full deployment of AML service), facts and figures about 112 in the Slovak Republic, and notable cases that have been handled at 112 PSAPs.