Presented on: 1 June 2021, 15:00 CEST
Emergency services operate very differently across continents. Even within the same country, there can be differences in the structure, technologies and procedures of each organisation. Facing a variety of challenges, emergency response requires continuous adaptation and improvements.
In this ever-changing context, EENA has decided to launch a new series of webinars that will focus on emergency communications reforms in European countries. Once a month, from February to June, emergency services will share their experience and plans with the EENA community.
In June, officials from the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Portugal, presented their experience and plans with the EENA community.

What have we learnt?
- How emergency calls are handled in Portugal;
- Status of eCall, Public Warning System, Advanced Mobile Location, 112 Application for Deaf and others…
- Ongoing and future projects, reforms, upgrades including the improvement of the geographical and technological 112 PSAP infrastructure;
- …and much more
Presented by

Vítor Judícibus
Head of Critical Communications Multidisciplinary Team, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Portugal
Vitor Judícibus has been leading since 2014, the Critical Communications Multidisciplinary Team (EMCC), a cross-functional IT team notably responsible for outlining the 112 technological vision, implementing the 112 technological strategies defined by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, ensuring that the technological resources meet the 112 operational needs, and supervising the national 112-system infrastructure.
He led and supervised the deployment of a new 112 PSAP tech architecture, during 2015 – 2019, merging and consolidating eleven regional PSAPs formerly spread across the country districts into just two 112 state-of-the-art operational centres (located in geographically dispersed areas).
Over the last four years his team also conducted the successful implementation of relevant projects like eCall, 112 App for Deaf, Advanced Mobile Location, and the Technological Update of the 112 Operational Centres at the Autonomous Regions of Madeira and Azores.

Carlos Mendes
Head of Department for Risk Analysis and Emergency Planning, National Authority for Emergency and Civil Protection (ANEPC)
Carlos Mendes is the Head of Department for Risk Analysis and Emergency Planning at the Portuguese National Authority for Emergency and Civil Protection (ANEPC). Over the past 20 years, he has been working in the fields of prevention and preparedness to major emergencies, including, since 2018, the development of public warning systems.