Presented on: 24 November 14:30 CET
With recent outages of emergency numbers and growing concerns related to cyberattacks, ensuring continuity of service of emergency numbers is on the top of many public authorities’ agenda. This webinar presented several solutions to better protect access to emergency services.
presented by

Marieke Ackerman
112 Advisor, Police Agency, Netherlands
Marieke presented about "The effects of network failure on continuity of 112 service." It depicted the case of the Netherlands that had to cope with the impact of the KPN network failure on 112 calls handling on 24 June 2019. Indeed, 112 was not reachable for a couple of hours. What did they do? What went wrong? What was the effect on the PSAPs? How did they communicate with the public? We hope other countries can learn from this situation in The Netherlands.

Daniel Gilles
Information Security Specialist, Federal Office for Information Security, Germany

Henning Schmidtpott
IT Manager, Integrated Control Centre of Freiburg, Germany
IT-security is a common challenge for all PSAPs in every country. So nearly every PSAP faces those IT-security risks with own measures. Instead of developing IT-security concepts on your own, Daniel and Henning explained how the IT-Grundschutz PSAP profile provides a blue print that you can build on in order to benefit of a body of experts and gain your resilience.