EENA has developed a unique Standard to improve the provision of the emergency call handling service across the world for our fellow citizens. The programme allows Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) to benchmark themselves against a Standard specific to their mission. The Standard will reward those exemplar PSAPs committed to provide a high quality emergency call handing service.
EENA is encouraging all PSAP management across Europe to apply for the Standard. You can take the first step on this path by requesting your own copy of the Standard, which is free of charge to receive.
- Staff will be motivated to see their work being highlighted as “best in class”!
- Reinforce the focus on quality; smarter working!
- The Certificate will show to citizens that they receive high level service;
- Decision makers/political leaders are showed that your organisation is recognised as “best in class”;
Be recognised by your peers (in your country and internationally) as “best in class”;
EENA will promote your certification (press release; social media; certificate handed over to you during EENA annual event, etc).
- Identify weak spots: the audit will give advice on how to improve even further;
- Help to create a roadmap for the future development of the service.
- EENA was contacted and EENA Quality Standard for PSAPs document shared with the applicant.
- Pre-audit questionnaire to be filled in by the applicant.
- Price estimate provided to the applicant.
- Formal agreement (including work description, confidentiality clause, costs, payment plan) between EENA and the applicant.
- Assignment of auditors (they are all Lead Auditors trained by EENA).
- Applicant required to provide documents (or samples if so agreed) to auditors. These documents must be in English.
- Desktop audit conducted remotely by auditors.
- Intermediate report prepared by auditors and shared with the applicant.
- Preparatory work based on findings of the desktop audit. Field audit plan prepared by auditors.
- Field audit plan shared with the applicant. Preparatory work by the applicant.
- Field audit.
- Final report prepared by auditors.
- If the report is in favour of certification, EENA certificate given for 3 years;
If the report does not recommend the certification, EENA gives some time to the applicant to resolve the issue(s) and conduct a final review as to whether the certificate will be delivered.
- Press release and communication prepared by EENA, with the certificate usually handed over to the certified organisation during the EENA annual event.
- Yearly check after 1 year (if needed).
- Yearly check after 2 years (if needed).
- After 3 years, the audit process should be done again to maintain the certification.
Certified PSaPS
We are pleased to be awarded this quality certification from the European Emergency Number Association. This is an exceptional honour and we are proud of the management and staff for adhering to EENA standards following months of planning and steadfast effort by the Operations Department team. Quality is at the core of everything we do in pioneering work to provide outstanding services that exceed expectations.
Abu Dhabi Police GHQ
To be awarded this Standard is independent proof that our employees do an excellent job, focusing on quality and delivering the kind of professional care to our 1.7m citizens. Answering about 340.000 emergency calls and providing medical attendance along 4m patient contacts annually we are very proud to be one of the first PSAPs in Europe to receive this outstanding quality award and proud to provide the very best the service we can to our patients.
Christof Chwojka
Managing Director, 144 Notruf Niederösterreich (Austria)
For CAE 112 Galicia and the Xunta de Galicia, it is a great honour having achieved the “Certificate of Quality Standard”. It’s recognition of the good work and effort done by the great team of professionals working at the emergency call centre for the benefit of citizens. In addition, it also justifies the high value of the facilities and technological infrastructure that we have in Galicia.
Alfonso Rueda Valenzuela
Vice-President and Minister of Presidency, Public Administration and Justice, Xunta de Galicia
We are thrilled to be awarded this Certificate of Quality by EENA. I am proud of the Castilla y Leon management and staff for this wonderful achievement following on from months of planning and hard work. This certification will definitely benefit the citizens that we serve. For us, quality is at the heart of everything that we do.
Fernando Salguero
Director, Centro de Emergencias Castilla y Leon 112 (Spain)
Request a copy
Would you like a copy of the Standard? You are not an emergency services organisation but would still like a copy of the Standard?
You can contact Cristina Lumbreras, EENA Technical Director, at [email protected].