October 9, 2017

Emmanuel Macron soutient la mise en place d’un système moderne d’alerte des populations et d’appels d’urgence

.     EENA SOUTIENT LES DÉCLARATIONS DU PRÉSIDENT MACRON – English version available here – Ce 6 octobre 2017, le Président français Emmanuel Macron a accueilli des professionnels de la protection civile afin de les remercier pour leur travail lors des récents feux de forêt ainsi que lors de l’ouragan qui ont touché le […]

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Emmanuel Macron announces support for public warning and a modern 112 system

  EENA WELCOMES PRESIDENT MACRON’S COMMENTS On 6 October 2017, French President Emmanuel Macron welcomed civil protection professionals to thank them for their work on the recent fires & hurricane in the French territory. In this context, he set out his vision for the future of emergency services & the safety of citizens. PUBLIC WARNING […]

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October 5, 2017

Paris attacks survivor open letter to Senator John Thune after the Las Vegas shooting

  In the aftermath of the Las Vegas shooting (1 October 2017), the deadliest mass shooting in the modern history of the United States, senator John Thune was interviewed by NBC News. He stated that there is no way to stop a mass shooting from happening and that the best hope citizens have is to […]

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September 20, 2017

European project shows the way to better emergency location

  FINDINGS OF HELP 112 PROJECT NOW AVAILABLE The HELP 112 EU project has produced important new findings on emergency caller location, paving the way to progress public safety not only in Europe but also the world. The project consortium evaluated handset-based technologies to improve location information of emergency callers. The consortium analysed the potential […]

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September 19, 2017

EXCLUSIVE “AML fully deployed by 2037” says EENA member

  EENA is launching a new interview-series to help you understand the challenges faced by EENA members. This morning, we welcomed to the EENA offices our long-time member and friend Mr Maryusz Francesco Bodganis Király, Director of a multi-awarded 112 PSAP. Gary Machado (GM): Maryusz, welcome. First, I wanted to ask you: how would you […]

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September 8, 2017

How emergency location is changing safety in New Zealand

  Inaccurate emergency location is one of the biggest problems of emergency services. That is why Advanced Mobile Location (or AML) has taken Europe by storm: using the handset’s location, the protocol provides first responders with much more accurate location information compared to previous systems. Easy and cheap to implement, it is now going beyond […]

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September 6, 2017

Emergency location – What you should know about HTML5 Geolocation

  Emergency services need location information – it is a simple fact. And yet, in most cases, the information they receive is not accurate enough. Problematic emergency location has many implications, from lives lost to high operational costs for emergency services and authorities. One of the solutions to this issue is HTML5 Geolocation, a technique […]

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September 3, 2017

European Parliament votes to improve the 112 service

  04 September 2017 marks an important date for the history of 112. Today, the European Parliament’s Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) voted an important piece of legislation, marking the first step towards a better functionning 112 service in Europe. Highlights of the vote: Among other things, the IMCO Committee voted in […]

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August 30, 2017

‘Emergency services should never be behind the curve on keeping people safe.’

  Today, the European Parliament’s IMCO Committee will vote on the text of the European Electronic Communications Code (EECC), the EU’s legislative update on the Union’s telecoms rules. The legislation has the power to bring great value to the 112 service and emergency services throughout the EU. How can the EECC benefit Europeans? EENA is […]

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August 29, 2017

‘European telecoms should introduce new concepts & ideas for the 112 service’

  The European Electronic Communications Code (EECC), the legislative update of the telecoms rules of the Union, is on its way to being voted by the European Parliament before the Council of the European Union gives its opinion on the text. How can the EECC improve the 112 service? What can it bring to European […]

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