September 27, 2016

‘Twitter class’ for emergency services – Webinar

The use of social media, especially Twitter, during emergencies has seen a huge increase in recent years. This trend is also followed by emergency services and public safety officials, who see a great potential in this tool. But challenges still exist. Understanding Twitter's full capabilities, what it can do during emergency situations, as well as […]

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September 22, 2016

Report update: EENA progress on the actions agreed during ‘EENA Members Workshop’ 2015

It has been almost 1 year since the EENA Members Workshop took place on 19-20 October 2015. For 2 days, EENA Members worked in 15 workshops on technical, operational and legal aspects of topics related to the emergency communications field. After the event, EENA published a report summarising the work undertaken by EENA Members, as […]

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September 9, 2016

EU #telecoms: What’s a stronger word for ‘disappointment’?

        14 September 2016 – The European Commission unveiled today its proposal for the update of the telecommunications framework legislation.         Its lack of ambition is disappointing. The unmotivated provisions on emergency services in the proposal (Article 102) neither benefit from today’s technologies nor address today’s problems. Close to […]

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EENA-DJI partnership: Preliminary findings show great potential

Read below the press release of our partner DJI, regarding the preliminary findings of our common project.   DJI, the world’s leading maker of unmanned aerial vehicles, said Thursday that early search and rescue tests have found that a properly-equipped drone can find a missing person in a one-square-kilometer area within 20 minutes, more than […]

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September 7, 2016

A US internet giant is doing what the EU refused to do to improve emergency calls

      The European Commission is missing a big chance to give the emergency number 112 a needed boost, writes Gary Machado.         How is it possible that the EU managed to do so much to get rid of roaming fees but so little to fix some technical problems with the […]

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August 5, 2016

#AttentatNice : Assez ! Un système efficace d’alerte à la population doit être mis en place

Aujourd’hui, dans le contexte de l’attentat tragique survenu à Nice, de nombreux articles de presse évoquent les défaillances du système d’alerte à la population utilisé en France. Depuis trop longtemps, l’EENA demande aux autorités responsables de mettre en place un système d’alerte à la population efficace. Depuis trop longtemps, cette demande est ignorée. En 2008 […]

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#NiceAttack: Enough is enough! We need an efficient public warning system

Version française disponible ICI.   Today, in the aftermath of the tragic attack in Nice, many articles mention the failures of the emergency alert system in France (1). For too many years, the European Emergency Number Association has been calling on relevant authorities to mandate an efficient public warning system. For too many years, those […]

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July 28, 2016

Happy birthday 112!

29 July 2016 – The common European emergency number 112 turns 25! On 29 July 1991, the Council of the European Union (EU) established 112 as the common emergency number for all the EU. To celebrate, here are some important milestones of its journey: We want to make sure that 112 keeps growing, for every […]

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July 7, 2016

Advanced Mobile Location is now available in all Android phones!

      In one of the biggest news of the industry in the last years, Google announced today that all Android phones in the world, from Gingerbread OS version onwards, now include Advanced Mobile Location (AML), an emergency call-based location solution.       Why is it needed? 70-80% of emergency calls in Europe […]

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European Parliament asks for equal access to 112 for people with disabilities

The European Parliament adopted today the “Report on the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, with special regard to the Concluding Observations of the UN CRPD Committee”. The report asks the European Commission and the Member States to ensure that the common European emergency number 112 is fully accessible […]

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