October 25, 2021

#EENA2021 – Conference materials available NOW!

We are happy to share with you that the materials of the latest EENA Conference are available as of today on the event website, so make sure to visit it and (re)live the EENA experience. Until our next time together in Marseille (27-29 April 2022), let’s continue being inspired by the sharing of knowledge through […]

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October 21, 2021

New document: Transmitting video to the Public Safety Answering Point – a human perspective

This document looks at the human experience of using video during an emergency from both the caller and the call-taker’s perspective.

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October 12, 2021

#EENA2021 – Thank you message

Thank you for joining us at the EENA Conference & Exhibition 2021! After 2 and half year gap since the last EENA Conference, it is an outstanding achievement to gather so many participants! We hope that you found the event’s programme, exhibition, and networking activities valuable and that you enjoyed your stay in cold but […]

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October 7, 2021

EENA-Everdrone Project: Final Report

Final report on the use of AED-equipped UAV to enhance cardiac arrest response.

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October 6, 2021

EENA’s medal of honour for Distinguished Service during COVID-19

Recognising the exceptional work of European emergency services in the Covid-19 response 06 October 2021, Riga, Latvia This year, we opened the EENA Conference & Exhibition 2021 in a very special way. Emergency services officials from all over Europe were awarded with EENA’s medal of honour for Distinguished Service during COVID-19 – a touching gesture […]

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September 23, 2021

#EENA2021: Meet our supporting organisations & media partners

We are proud to present our supporting partners for the EENA Conference & Exhibition 2021! SUPPORTING ORGANISATIONS Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM)Research-to-practice gaps have always existed in our community, but we want to reduce them at the #EENA2021. To this end, we have partnered with the Information Systems for Crisis Response and […]

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September 15, 2021

3 weeks to go for #EENA2021 Friends reunion

Only 3 weeks left for the public safety professionals to reunite again! With only 3 weeks left until the EENA Conference & Exhibition 2021, we look forward to delivering a safe and enjoyable in-person event that brings the public safety community together after 2,5 years away. Our objectives? Drive innovation, discuss challenges, explore solutions and […]

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September 7, 2021

#EENA2021: It’s time to discover our exhibitors

Only one month left to experience at first hand the latest solutions in public safety! Discover and get in touch with the #EENA2021 exhibitors We are just 4 weeks away from the EENA Conference & Exhibition 2021 and final preparations are in full swing! We remain confident that we can deliver a safe and enjoyable […]

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September 1, 2021

Newsletter: “Coffee Break”

Coffee Break The Portuguese people are famous for taking coffee breaks. In the morning, in the afternoon or at the end of the day. There are no rules.Just between us, many times the expression “let’s have a coffee” is an excuse for us to pause and chitchat.This is the objective of this newsletter: a triweekly […]

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August 30, 2021

#EENA2021: How technology is supporting emergency response?

It’s time to be techy #EENA2021 How new technology impacts positively emergency response One of the featured topics in public safety to be explored at the EENA Conference 2021 (6-8 October, Riga). The role that technology plays in our lives is indisputable and it has also brought numerous changes to the public safety panorama – […]

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