November 2, 2015

European Parliament emphasises the importance of 112 in report on tourism

29 October 2015 – Awareness of the common European emergency number 112 is alarmingly low: only 27% of EU citizens would dial it spontaneously in case of an emergency. One can expect that this number is much lower amongst non-Europeans visiting the European Union (EU). The European Parliament (EP) adopted today a report on “new […]

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October 26, 2015

Outcomes of ‘EENA Members Workshop’ & ‘Meet your MEP’ events: Caller location, social media, emergency apps & more!

We are very happy to present to you the final report of the 'EENA Members Workshop' and 'Meet your MEP' events that took place on 19-21 October in Brussels, Belgium.               Did you know? More than 150 Members of the European Parliament joined the "Meet your MEP" event to […]

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October 16, 2015

What is the future of Emergency Apps? – Update on EENA’s objectives and Roadmap

The strong adoption of smart-phones and the increasingly common use of geo-location functions by users, make mobile applications (‘Apps’) a powerful tool for information to emergency services. They can improve location information with several techniques, saving lives, time and resources. In March 2015, EENA published the ‘112 Apps Strategy’ document, where three core objectives were […]

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September 23, 2015

French fire-fighters propose 112 as the unique number for emergency services

      For the English version, please see below.       version française Les pompiers français proposent d’adopter le 112 comme numéro unique pour les appels d’urgence. La Fédération nationale des sapeurs-pompiers de France (FNSPF) a proposé d’abandonner son numéro historique d’appels d’urgence – le 18 – et de le remplacer par le […]

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September 17, 2015

Next Generation 112 Transition Models – Implementation Activities

The industry has been abuzz with the term NG112 for some time but exactly what it is, the benefits it provides, the issues involved with getting there, and how emergency services move to it, have been relatively poorly explained.             Public safety answering points have to face changes that have […]

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September 14, 2015

Emergency services invite smartphone manufacturers and operating system providers to help citizens’ safety during emergencies

After dialling the emergency services, citizens rightly expect to be located as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, in most of Europe, locating citizens in distress is often inaccurate, potentially putting people at further risk. This is because the location data provided to the emergency services is mostly ineffective. Advanced Mobile Location (AML) is a simple and […]

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September 10, 2015

Managing change: the example of Finland

The Finnish administration’s view was ”In 2015 Finland will have a coherent, networked and reliable nationwide Emergency Response Centre Administration as the first link in responding to emergency needs quickly and professionally." To accomplish it, a deep reform took place inside the Finnish emergency services structure. The 15 emergency services centres were reduced to a […]

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September 1, 2015

EENA Working Group on Drones – More relevant and needed than ever!

Drones are transforming emergency services in many ways. While they can have significant added value to emergency services, they can also create problems. An indicative example is when drones are flown by hobbyists and interfere with the smooth operation of emergency response. The press has covered many stories around the topic, including a drone that […]

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July 17, 2015

‘Public Warning’ – EENA publishes operations document update!

For the delivery of public warning, there appears to be no single solution that fits all of the requirements for the timely notification of an emergency incident or situation. Therefore, a Public Warning System (PWS) ought to be a blend of the best attributes of all of the existing technologies, adapted to the particular demands […]

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July 8, 2015

EENA releases ‘Managing Human Resources in a PSAP’ Operations document!

Managing staff and staff related activities is an important function for any organisation, regardless of its size, scale or market. Most people agree that an efficiently and effectively run human resources department can provides structure and the ability to meet business needs through managing the company's most valuable resources – its employees.   The management […]

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