February 2, 2021

EENA enters the blogosphere

We want to keep the conversation going about all aspects of public safety, whether it’s technology and operations, the key issues affecting citizens, or understanding the daily lives of emergency professionals. So we’ve gone ahead and created the EENA Blog ! We hope this will provide a space to share knowledge among our community & […]

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January 26, 2021

Newsletter: “Coffee Break”

Coffee Break The Portuguese people are famous for taking coffee breaks. In the morning, in the afternoon or at the end of the day. There are no rules.Just between us, many times the expression “let’s have a coffee” is an excuse for us to pause and chitchat.This is the objective of this newsletter: a triweekly energy boost […]

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January 25, 2021

Freddie McBride joins EENA as Director of Digital Communications Policy and Regulation

We are delighted to announce that Freddie, whom several EENA members already know, is joining us from today. At EENA, Freddie will serve as Director of Digital Communications Policy and Regulation. He will be working closely with Cristina Lumbreras – EENA’s Technical Director – on topics such as standardisation and NG112. He will also support […]

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January 21, 2021

Finnish & Italian apps join the PEMEA network

Getting help becomes easier for citizens on the move The Italian app WhereAreU and the Finnish app 112 Suomi (Emergency Response Centre Agency) are the first to successfully join the PEMEA network. Live calls have already been received this January. This is an important step forward for emergency services and citizens. From now on, users […]

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January 20, 2021

Several EU Member States risk sanctions for not complying with EU legislation

As per article 109(4) of the European Electronic Communications Code (EECC), on 21 December the European Commission published a report on “the effectiveness of the implementation of the single European emergency number ‘112’”. This 20-page long document includes interesting figures on how emergency communications are handled in each Member State, such as the number of […]

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January 19, 2021

‘NG112: From theory to reality’ event – Save the date

When embracing the future becomes possible for emergency services There is only one thing we find more exciting than the beginning of the year – planning everything we want to achieve in the next months! Save the date: 27-29 APRIL Our new virtual event on “NG112 from theory to reality” will be one of our […]

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December 21, 2020

EECC implementation deadline: AML & Accessibility

21 December marks the deadline for the implementation of article 109 of the EECC, which includes caller location and accessibility for persons with disabilities. The provisions of the EECC are binding on all EU Members States: countries that have not achieved implementation risk facing infringement procedures resulting in financial sanctions.

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December 16, 2020

EU Legislation Update: Illegal content online & Cybersecurity

Two important pieces of legislation have been proposed by the European Commission. The Digital Services Act addresses the responsibility of online platforms in the EU while the NIS Directive is an important legislation for cybersecurity. Both proposals include a few elements that are relevant for the community of emergency services. Benoit Vivier, EENA’s Public Affairs […]

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PSAPs Global Edition 2020: available now

Discover emergency call handling in 57 countries Public Safety Answering Points: Global Edition 2020 Technology is continually advancing, and many national authorities are adapting their emergency call handling systems. New legislation, such as the European Electronic Communications Code in the European Union, is influencing change in many countries. The structure and procedures of Public Safety […]

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December 9, 2020

Public Safety Industry Directory

Latest edition of the “Who-is-who in the Public Safety Industry” is now available! Our latest update provides you with a comprehensive overview of the most recent solutions available in the public safety industry from over 90 companies worldwide and aims to bridge the gap between all stakeholders in the emergency services field. With the sector under […]

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